Tali Girls by Siamak Herawi paints a vivid yet heartbreaking picture of Afghan women's lives under the Taliban's oppressive rule. While the brutality of the Taliban is well-known from the news on TV and the internet, the book reveals that the suffering in Tali began long before their arrival. The story shows how deeply ingrained corruption, inequality, and exploitation have shaped life in the village.

Hardships in Marriage

In Tali, marriage is an immense financial burden for families. They are required to provide substantial 嫁妆 (dowry) to the bride’s family, a tradition that often breaks the love relationships of poor young men who cannot afford the expense. Some desperate or short-sighted fathers even marry off their daughters to old, wealthy men, sacrificing their happiness and future for money.

Barriers to Education

Children in Tali rarely have the opportunity to attend school. Boys and girls are expected to contribute to the family by shepherding sheep and performing other labor-intensive tasks, leaving them no time for education. This cycle of poverty and illiteracy continues, with little hope for change.


Corruption runs rampant in Tali, exemplified by the actions of the local Mullah (I can’t recall his name exactly). He accumulates wealth through schemes such as creating a fake list of teachers who don’t exist and pocketing their government-paid salaries. This misuse of power and resources leaves the community in even greater despair.

Marrying Teenage Girl

This is the worst part. The 65-year-old Mullah married a 9-year-old teenage girl and raped her. She took one of his eyes for revenge, and he chopped her head off and sent back to her parents. How can an animal become a Mullah?
In Order to Live, by Yeonmi ParkAn interview of Indian International Student in Auckland