- Donald Trump is the winner in what could be the most consequential US presidential election in recent history.
consequential: Having significant importance or impact, often with far-reaching effects.
- His victory comes in the context of multiple ongoing conflicts around the world and persistent instability in major global economies.
persistent: Continuing to exist or endure over time, especially in a way that is challenging or difficult to stop.
- International leaders are flocking to congratulate Mr Trump, but how might their governments be reacting behind closed doors?
behind closed doors: In private or secretly, without public knowledge or view.
- Today we're considering how the newly minted president-elect could make his presence felt...
minted: Recently created or appointed; used here to refer to someone who has just taken on a new role.
- Today we're considering how the newly minted president-elect could make his presence felt in the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, in China, Europe and beyond.
presence: The impact or influence that someone has in a situation or place.
- With me today is our diplomatic correspondent, James Landale.
diplomatic correspondent: A journalist or expert focused on reporting or analyzing international relations and foreign affairs.
- And what a result, came quicker than many thought it would. It's a surprise for many, but I know you've been speaking to diplomats around the world.
diplomats: Officials representing a country abroad, typically involved in managing international relations.
- Listening to the pollsters, telling everybody it's knife edge, you know, touch and go...
- pollsters: People or organizations who conduct opinion surveys to predict public sentiment or election results.
- knife edge: A situation that is very tense or finely balanced, where any small change could lead to a significant outcome.
- And sometimes what he says can be contradictory. So it’s not always a good predictor of what he actually intends to do...
- contradictory: Expressing or involving mutually opposing statements or ideas.
- predictor: Something that can indicate or suggest what will happen in the future.
- "We can't anticipate it because we'll be annoying the previous incumbent if you start making assumptions about elections."
incumbent: The current holder of a position or office.
- I think there is genuinely a sense that certainly in the European diplomatic world that not enough has been done to so-called Trump-proof Europe...
- genuinely: Truly or sincerely, without any pretense.
- Trump-proof: Informally means to prepare or safeguard against potential impacts or policies from Donald Trump.
- We're going to get into Trump-proofing foreign policy and take a whistle-stop tour around the globe for this episode.
whistle-stop tour: A quick tour or overview, often covering multiple topics or places in a short time.
- The conflict that comes to mind straight away, James, of course, is Ukraine and it continues to battle Russia's ongoing invasion.
battle: To struggle or fight against, often used in the context of conflicts or challenges.
- "...because sometimes it’s part of a negotiating ploy."
ploy: A tactic or maneuver, often clever or strategic, used to gain an advantage or achieve a particular result.
- "...because, you know, as I say, the statement is contradictory."
contradictory: Expressing or involving opposing or conflicting ideas, making it difficult to determine a consistent stance.
- "...before he actually enters the White House, he wants there to be some kind of a deal."
the White House: The official residence and workplace of the President of the United States; symbolically represents the U.S. presidency.
- "There's an expectation that US support will diminish in the long term."
diminish: To reduce or decrease in size, importance, or intensity.
- "The question is, what is the pace of that, while any kind of talk of a deal...comes into play?"
pace: The speed or rate at which something happens, develops, or progresses.
- "Let's bring you the reaction from Kyiv. Here's our Ukraine correspondent, James Waterhouse."
correspondent: A journalist or reporter assigned to cover news from a particular area or topic, often based in a specific location.
- "...but President Zelensky has a knack of, when there are political difficulties..."
knack: A natural talent, ability, or tendency to do something skillfully or effectively.
- "...he tries to leverage this into future assurances and commitments from his allies..."
leverage: To use something to maximum advantage, often to influence or gain support.
- "Well it feels like the Kremlin is going out of its way to give the impression that it's not excited at all..."
Kremlin: The official government center of Russia; often used as a metonym to refer to the Russian government.
- "Our Russia editor, Steve Rosenberg, is in Sochi with this assessment."
assessment: An evaluation or judgment about a situation or condition.
- "...how much Ukraine relies on what he called a strong bipartisan support of the United States."
bipartisan: Involving cooperation or agreement between two political parties that usually oppose each other.
- "And he also sort of hinted that, look, a powerful Ukrainian army could play a role..."
hinted: Gave an indirect suggestion or implied something without stating it directly.
- "...he essentially made the argument to Mr. Trump, 'I need your support...'"
essentially: Basically or fundamentally; expressing the core or main point of something.
- "...but you know, let's not beat about the bush. The Ukrainians are very..."
beat about the bush: To avoid getting to the main point; to speak indirectly or evasively.
- "...is the fact that President Trump has been very warm towards President Putin at times. We know he's an admirer of Vladimir Putin."
admirer: Someone who holds another person in high regard or has a positive view of them.
- "I think we have a more good relationship. Oh, oh I see. Mr Trump likes to do a deal. He likes to trade on [crosstalk]."
crosstalk: Overlapping or interfering conversation, often making it hard to hear individual speakers.
- "That is the crucial point. That is absolutely the crucial point."
crucial: Extremely important or essential to the outcome of a situation.
- "If Mr. Trump has put forward a deal and said, let's bang heads together, and the Russians say, no, we'll just carry on fighting."
put forward: To propose or suggest something for consideration.
- "Donald Trump does not fear escalation as much as Joe Biden and his national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, do."
escalation: An increase in intensity or seriousness, especially in the context of conflict or tension.
- "Is another worry for the Ukrainians, not just President Trump in charge, but also what's happening with Congress..."
worry: A source of concern or anxiety about a particular situation.
- "...and we've seen a massive tilt back to the Republicans? Yeah, I mean, that will be a strategic blockage."
Republicans: Members of the Republican Party, one of the two major political parties in the United States.
- "...that will be a strategic blockage."
blockage: An obstacle or obstruction that prevents progress or movement.
- "What Biden might do during 'lame duck' period in the long run that will make it harder to get these things through."
lame duck: A period when an outgoing president or official is still in office but has limited power or influence.
- "Yes, a chunk of funds, he can do a chunk of funds."
chunk of funds: A substantial or significant amount of money.
- "...thought that they basically had a fairer crack of the whip under Donald Trump than they did in Joe Biden..."
fairer crack of the whip: A fairer opportunity or advantage to have influence or control in a situation.
- "...will Donald Trump allow Israel a freer hand to fight the war in a way that he can't at the moment."
freer hand to fight the war: More freedom or autonomy to act in a conflict without restrictions or limitations.
- "Lots of people say the Americans have not been restraining Israel enough, but there has been some restraint."
restraint: The act of holding back or limiting actions, often to prevent escalation.
- "Will he, as he has said, be a peacemaker and say, 'I don't want to get involved in other people's wars'?"
peacemaker: A person who tries to bring about peace or resolve conflicts.
- "It remains to be seen too how much leverage Donald Trump will have over Benjamin Netanyahu..."
leverage: Influence or power used to achieve a desired result, often in negotiations.
- "Will the gulf states be happy with Trump?"
gulf states: Countries in the Persian Gulf region, such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar, often significant in Middle Eastern geopolitics.
- "I think they will like the fact that Donald Trump will want to clearly step up pressure on Iran."
step up: To increase or intensify efforts, pressure, or involvement in a situation.
- "...which was described as warm and cordial is said to have discussed Israel's security, including the Iranian threat."
Iranian: Related to Iran, often used to describe issues or concerns involving Iran.
- "...trying to come up with the Abraham Accords Mark II. In other words, the elusive deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel..."
Saudi Arabia: A significant Middle Eastern country known for its influence in the region and its key role in oil production.
- "...to try to normalise relations between those two countries."
normalise: To establish or restore normal or friendly relations, often between countries with previous conflicts or tensions.
- "...some kind of stabilisation, then you might just be able to get to a place where you can talk about broader political deals."
stabilisation: The process of making something more stable or secure, especially in a situation that was previously unstable.
- "...they're not as bad as they were a couple of years ago, they are still pretty icy though, and they could be set to change in a big way..."
icy: Cold or unfriendly; in this context, describing tense or distant relations.
- "...there are already trade frictions between China and the United States..."
trade frictions: Economic tensions or conflicts between countries, often due to disagreements over trade policies or practices.
- "...this is a bipartisan thing. So whatever Trump does would be a continuation of existing policy..."
bipartisan: Supported or agreed upon by two opposing political parties, often indicating a policy with broad support.
- "...is his threat to impose 60% tariffs on Chinese goods entering the US market."
tariffs: Taxes or duties imposed on imported goods, often used to protect domestic industries or to penalize other countries.
- "...the potential there is for a trade war and then the potential for a trade war that engulfs the global economy."
potential: The possibility or likelihood of something happening in the future.
- "Because the Americans will put a huge amount of pressure on all its allies, say, 'We're doing this. You've got to do likewise.'"
huge amount of pressure: Strong influence or force applied to persuade or compel someone to act in a certain way.
- "Beijing will be bracing itself for the return of Donald Trump..."
bracing itself: Preparing or readying oneself for a challenging or difficult situation.
- "...and that is because during the last Trump presidency trade put tariffs on around $300 billion of Chinese goods and he's threatening to do so again."
threatening: Expressing an intention to cause harm or take adverse action as a way to influence others.
- "How does Trump see the relationship with Taiwan and supporting Taiwan, possible intervention if there was a conflict?"
intervention: The action of becoming actively involved in a situation, often to influence the outcome.
- "It's incredibly hard. It's incredibly hard to know that."
incredibly: Extremely or remarkably, emphasizing the difficulty of the situation.
- "They want there to be some strategic ambiguity over this."
strategic ambiguity: A deliberate policy of being unclear or vague about one’s intentions or plans, often to keep others uncertain.
- "...we don't know whether or not Donald Trump actually will live up to his word as saying, 'I'm not going to start new wars.'"
live up to his word: To fulfill or honor a promise or commitment that one has made.
- "...that the Make America Great protectionism and introspection of the first time ever really had to answer that question."
- protectionism: An economic policy of restricting imports from other countries to protect domestic industries.
- introspection: The process of examining one’s own thoughts, feelings, or motives.
- "Could Trump presidency be a wake-up call for Europe?"
wake-up call: An event that alerts or shocks people into realizing they need to change or take action.
- "He will try and deal with Europe, as he did before, on a bilateral basis..."
bilateral: Involving two parties, usually referring to agreements or relations between two countries.
- "He will try and peel everybody off so he can do separate trade deals as much as he can. It's very hard within the European Union. And I think that he will continue to put more pressure on the Europeans..."
put more pressure on: To apply increased influence or force to persuade someone to take action.
- "And there'll be usual rumbles threatening NATO."
rumbles: Low, continuous sounds or expressions of discontent; here, indicating tensions or threats.
- "Is the Trump presidency going to be the wake-up call that Europe has been needing? A catalyst that essentially gets the Europeans to say, you know what..."
catalyst: An event or person that causes a significant change or action to happen more quickly.
- "...that essentially gets the Europeans to say, you know what, we've got to get off the pot and make some tough decisions about our own defence..."
get off the pot: An expression meaning to take decisive action rather than remaining inactive.
- "Europe is divided about China at the moment."
divided: Split in opinion or stance; lacking unity on an issue.
- "Does he have more leverage this time around on those two things?"
leverage: Influence or power used to achieve a desired result, often in negotiations.
- "I think his driving force here is not some sort of ideological hatred of NATO or anything like that."
- driving force: The main motivator or reason behind someone’s actions or policies.
- ideological: Based on a set of beliefs or ideals, often about politics or society.
- "...that the Europeans are free riders."
free riders: Those who benefit from resources or services without paying for them or contributing fairly.
- "If the Europeans, as they have done, can address that by increasing their defence expenditure..."
expenditure: The act of spending money or resources, especially for a particular purpose.
- "At the moment, every NATO member state has to spend two percent of their national wealth on defence."
national wealth: The total value of a nation’s assets, including money, property, and resources.
- "The UK would be stretched. A lot of other countries in the south of Europe would really struggle to do that."
stretched: Pushed to the limit of resources or capability, often implying difficulty in managing or sustaining an effort.
- "A lot of people think he's an isolationist. America First, obviously, being his sort of main platform."
isolationist: A person or policy favoring minimal involvement in international affairs, focusing on domestic interests instead.
- "But do you actually imagine that America is going to retreat from its role as the world's leader on some of these big issues...?"
retreat: To withdraw or pull back from a position or commitment, often suggesting a reduction in involvement.
- "He has an ego. Maybe he is the one to close the deal on things like Ukraine and the Middle East?"
ego: A sense of self-importance or personal pride, sometimes driving behavior to seek recognition or validation.
- "The optimistic view is that, yes, he's a disruptor, he's a changemaker."
- optimistic view: A hopeful perspective, expecting positive outcomes.
- disruptor: Someone who introduces change or innovation, often by challenging the status quo.
- changemaker: A person who actively seeks to make significant positive changes or improvements.
- "...not quite constraining Israel enough under the previous regime..."
regime: A government or administration, often referring to a specific period of rule or policy approach.
- "My own inclination is he will engage in things in the world where they matter to his voters at home."
inclination: A tendency or preference toward a particular behavior or choice.
- "Countries around the world are forming more ad hoc relationships..."
ad hoc: Created or formed for a specific purpose or situation, often temporary or without long-term structure.
- "Joe Biden has 40, 50 years' worth of foreign policy baggage..."
baggage: Personal history or experiences that influence current behavior or perceptions, often implying burdensome past associations.
- "He's transactional, he's bilateral and he can be, you know, capricious."
- transactional: Focused on exchanges or deals that are based on immediate, practical gains rather than deeper relationships or values.
- capricious: Given to sudden changes in mood or behavior, unpredictable.
- "...immediate decision-making processes that sometimes can go in unexpected places."
go in unexpected places: To lead to surprising or unforeseen outcomes.
- Author:wenyang
- URL:https://www.wenyang.xyz/article/bbcTrump
- Copyright:All articles in this blog, except for special statements, adopt BY-NC-SA agreement. Please indicate the source!